DermaSweep – The Pain-free, Non-invasive, Treatment To get Rid Of Acne Fast

Acne is a skin condition that generally begins in our adolescent years and can stay with us through adulthood and well into our 50’s. It usually develops on our face, neck, chest, and back, and takes the form of pustules, blackheads, whiteheads, and red bumps.

Acne tends to be cyclical, flaring up for a period of time, and then disappearing. Aside from being extremely unsightly and the scarring it can leave behind, acne can have a devastating impact on self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-image.

There are a number of methods available for the treatment of acne which include medications both oral and topical, laser acne treatment, chemical peels, cortisone injections, and medical-grade skincare products as found in the Revoderm Acne Kit.

At Laser and Esthetics, we have delivered exceptional results to our patients using a quick, painless, and non-invasive,  procedure called DermaSweep.

What Is It DermaSweep?

DermaSweep is a form of dermabrasion taken to heights that far exceed the results of traditional skin resurfacing procedures. The treatment involves sweeping a wand over the facial area, creating a vacuum effect that stimulates the flow of blood and cleans clogged pores.

Although the DermaSweep procedure has proven highly effective for the treatment of acne, it is used to treat other skin conditions such as age spots and hyperpigmentation, dry dehydrated skin, dull skin tone, oily skin, texture issues, fine lines and wrinkles, and poor laxity.

The DermaSweep procedure for acne combines three skin therapies in a single treatment – exfoliation, circulation, and infusion.

Using a proprietary bristle tip system, DermaSweep removes skin imperfections by gently lifting and “Sweeping” the top layer of skin. The exfoliation process promotes collagen production and delivers a smooth, radiant complexion.

The DermaSweep process stimulates circulation and in turn oxygenation on a micro-level. This stimulation promotes faster healing, reduction of blemishes, and clearer healthier-looking skin.

Infusions are solutions made from ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, peptides, growth agents, vitamin c, and trichloroacetic acid (TCA), which are specially formulated to target specific skin conditions. Since the skin has been exfoliated and the pore are clean, delivery of the nutrient-rich infusions penetrates deeper layers of the skin.

Benefits of DermaSweep for Acne

  • Quickly calms acne flare-ups
  • Removes blemishes restoring your skin to a healthy appearance
  • Delivers a skin smoother, clearer looking skin
  • Cleans and clears acne, congested pores, and dehydrated skin in one treatment
  • Treatments are tailored to each patient by combining nutrient-rich fusion ingredients
  • Stimulates blood flow and circulation leading to faster healing
  • Safe, pain-free, with no social downtime
  • Leaves skin feeling smoother and firmer as a result of enhanced collagen production
  • Fusions are formulated to target the specific skincare requirements for acne
  • Results are often seen after the first treatment
  • Each treatment is completed within 30 minutes

Specially Formulated Fusions – DermaSweep’s Acne Treatment Secret

The underlying secret of DermaSweep’s effectiveness in the treatment of acne is a special formulation of ingredients and the 3 stage infusion process. Each stage of the infusion process addresses a specific acne related issue.

Stage 1 – PremiumFusions

  • Controls the production of oil
  • Destroys P-Bacteria, the underlying cause of acne
  • Made from antioxidants and hydroxy acids
  • Clears Skin and removes blemishes
  • Calms acne flare-ups

Stage 2 – PeelFusions

  • Performs a light facial peel
  • Renews blemished skin
  • Faster results, less peeling, and flaking than traditional peels
  • Contains alpha-hydroxy acids, botanical ingredients, and Trichlorecetic Acid
  • Ideal for acneic skin and those new to a peel treatment

Stage 3 – EpiFusions

  • Brightens dull, sallow looking skin
  • Smoothes rough, uneven skin
  • Controls oil production by stimulating cell turnover
  • Reduces inflammation and controls bacteria growth
  • Contains a blend of alpha and beta-hydroxy acids and botanicals

An increasingly large amount of patients now opt for DermaSweep procedures. DermaSweep SkinFusions contain cutting-edge ingredients to help many skin concerns and conditions.

Schedule A Consultation Today

DermaSweep is safe and reliable for any age and any skin type. If you suffer from acne-related blemishes, acne breakouts, blackheads, whiteheads, or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, anywhere on your body, you are a likely candidate for the DermaSweep treatment for acne.

Each treatment is customized for your specific skin type and skin condition, therefore we suggest scheduling a complimentary consultation with one of the dermatologists or DermaSweep specialists to discuss your skin issues and determine whether you are a good candidate for the DermaSweep procedure.

Call us at 403-768-2824 or click the button below to book online.

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